ISH# 20

Vernissage 19:00 – 21:00
Saturday 8th January – 19th February

2nd Cannons Publications
510 Bernard St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Victor Boullet
– Dear Dr Jacobsen

I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term yourself in your information about him. You should study the sketch by Munch where Edvard Munch is being electrocuted, he wrote above the drawing: "Professor Jacobsen is electrifying the famous painter Munch, and is bringing a positive masculine force and a negative feminine force to his fragile brain." May I question you as to why you avoid it? By asking me if I can help your son, you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish homosexuality and make normal heterosexuality take its place. The answer is, in a general way we cannot promise to achieve it. 
In a certain number of cases we succeed in developing the blighted germs of heterosexual tendencies. 
I agree with you that Dr Jacobsen is a fine physician. He walks around like a pope among white nurses and pale patients. The food is white too — everything is white except Jacobsen, so I ask him to pose for me. I place him in the picture, big and strutting in a fire of colour like all hell. Then he pleads with me — becomes tame like a pigeon." Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage I was told by the people organizing documenta XIII.
By the way Edvard Munch told me that Dr Jacobsen told you that Francis Bacon once told David Sylvester by being homosexual he was relieved of the heterosexual commitments in life, and by that he meant he could work more.

Yours faithfully