
Victor Boullet, Edie McKay
– I Pretend to Like Harold Pinter
Exclusively on the opening night:
Victor Boullet
– John and Morton 1967
9 min, Mp3 to CD 2010 (mixed by Fred Ball)

Edinburgh Annuale 2010
OPENING 19th June 19.00 – 21.00

20.06.10 – 04.07.10 Thursday – Sunday 12.00 – 18.00
Patriothall Studios
48A Hamilton Place
Edinburgh EH3 5AY

The Institute of Social Hypocrisy has opened a branch in Edinburgh for the duration of the Annuale 2010. Using plaques and flags it has installed its authority into a new building.
The title – I Pretend to Like Harold Pinter is taken from a text work by Victor Boullet which is part of a series of viscerally evocative pieces that will be on show.
Included in a visual account of the hypocrisy that emerged with the relationship between the explorer Roald Amunsen and his devoted dogs during his South Pole expedition in 1911, entitled – My Best Friend is Barking in My Belly.

Edie McKays's site specific installation, entitled – Two-Faced Melancholic Structure, consists of three elements constructed floor to ceiling from plasterboard, paint and filler. These tall columns serve as a fake support for the room; they are present yet serve no purpose, becoming symbolic of the public's redundant relationship to the structure of its own society.

— The Institute of Social Hypocrisy has commandeered the website of the organisers, Embassy.