ISH# 17

Vernissage Saturday 23rd October
18:00 – 21:00
Tuesday to Saturday 14:00 – 19:00

– Maladresses ou La Figure de l'idiot

Mathis Collins
Petrit Halilaj
Irene Moon
Justin Meekel
Michele di Menna
Annette Ruenzler

Curated by Fanny Gonella

"Toute chose étrangère me tuait. Je ne m'éveillais vraiment de ces ténèbres, je m'en souviens, qu'un soir, à Bâle en rentrant de Suisse, et ce qui m'éveilla ce fut le cri d'un âne sur le marché. Cet âne me fit fortement impression et, je ne sais pourquoi, me plut énormément, et à ce même instant tout à coup la clarté se fit dans ma tête."

"I could understand that it was all foreign and strange. I recollect I awoke from this state for the first time at Basle, one evening; the bray of a donkey aroused me, a donkey in the town market. I saw the donkey and was extremely pleased with it, and from that moment my head seemed to clear."

(The Institute of Social Hypocrisy had a technical problem, no images survived the transfer, there for no image to be seen. SORRY, that is a hypocritical SORRY!)