
May 28th until June 05th 2010, 14.00 – 19.00

Oliver Laric
– Turbo Props

Topics of discussion: 
sculpture, posthumous production, recipes, iconoclasm, 
porcelain, Pollock, tropics, animism, Rodin, simulation, PDF, hooligans, 
polyurethane, theft, Mendelssohn, functionality.

Aleksandra Domanovic
Printable monument to the abolished ".yu" domain.

Gert Jan Kocken
Photographs of porcelain monkeys, purchased by Moses Mendellsohn to obtain
civil rights under Prussian law.

Oliver Laric
Versions of an icon destroyed in reformation iconoclasm.

Tobias Madison
Tropical plants covered in Paint using the technique of Jackson Pollock.

Video game player with control pad prop.

Arild Tveito
Bootleg bronze of a foot sculpted by Auguste Rodin.

Curated by Oliver Laric

ps. The Institiute of Social Hypocrisy asked Oliver Laric
if he could spend one night with his installation. He agreed.